The flipside is, the more the yuan rises, the less attractive china's exports become to overseas buyers, because a strong currency increases the price foreigners pay for Chinese goods. 但另一方面,人民币价值越高,中国出口商品便会逐渐丧失对海外消费者的吸引力,因为强势的货币必将提高外国人购买中国商品的价格。
A strong currency hurts, as does weak demand. 人民币升值也带来了不利影响,需求疲软也是如此。
But with an artificially strong currency and access to cheap debt, the Greeks took the money and ran. 但由于汇率高估和廉价融资,希腊人乐得拿了钱就花。
So, how should strong currency manipulation disciplines be defined? 那么,我们应该如何定义严格的汇率操纵纪律?
A strong currency will tend to attract funds towards the US. 美元走强往往会吸引资金流入美国。
Policy makers and voters there are now thinking about two issues. What is a reasonable distribution of the benefits of the strong currency? And what planning should there be to deal with the inevitable end of the boom? 澳大利亚政策制定者和选民在思考两大问题:一是怎样才能合理分配澳元坚挺带来的好处,二是如何设计方案以应对不可避免的矿产热潮消退。
Portugal belongs to a strong currency bloc – its money functions as a real store of value, and convertibility is not in question. 葡萄牙属于一个强势货币区,其货币可充当真正的保值物,可兑换性也不成问题。
I was just playing the weak dollar against a strong currency. 我不过是用疲软的美元对付坚挺的货币而已。
That prompted a rueful commentary from Peter Costello, the Australian treasurer, who said the strong currency was discouraging inbound tourism, and making life tough for Australian exporters. 澳元的飚升促使澳大利亚财长彼得科斯特洛(petercostello)担忧地表示,强势货币阻碍了人们赴澳旅游,并给澳大利亚出口商增添了困难。
Yet all these countries are experiencing strong currency pressures, while the pain is especially acute among those who are reliant on commodities, such as copper and iron ore, that are in strong demand from China. 但上述所有国家都经受着巨大的本币升值压力,对于那些依赖铜和铁矿石等大宗商品中国对这些商品需求强劲的国家而言,这种痛苦尤为强烈。
It will remind them that they no longer enjoy the pleasures ( and pains) of a strong currency. 他们将需要谨记自己不再享受强势货币带来的愉悦(以及痛苦)。
US policymakers still repeat the mantra of a strong currency. But it is Asia's central bankers that have backed up their words with action, accumulating thousands of billions 'worth of US Treasuries. 美国政策制定者仍在重复吟唱强势美元的颂歌,但用行动支持他们的,是亚洲各国央行积累了数万亿美元的美国国债。
In such a situation, the optimal policy mix is to have a strong currency and low interest rates. 在这种情况下,最理想的政策组合是强势欧元加低利率。
Barely damaged by an age in which its proprietor country has dragged the national dog-tags through setback and infamy, American is still a strong currency on the movie marquee. 美国一词的所属国曾让这一招牌遭遇挫折并背负骂名,但这几乎没有让它遭到破坏,在电影史上,这个形容词仍然是一个强势货币。
Inevitably, this combination of a strong currency, foreign investor euphoria, increased consumption and bottlenecks that stifle the ability to respond to the growing demand make everything more expensive. 本国货币走强,外国投资者如痴如醉,消费有所上升,同时在应对日益增长的需求的能力方面存在瓶颈,这些因素交织在一起,不可避免地推高了所有东西的价格。
The region has been happily sucking in Asian imports thanks to its strong currency and reasonably good economic performance. 得益于坚挺的货币及相当良好的经济表现,该地区愉快地吸纳着亚洲进口。
Few executives expect relief from the strong currency soon. 几乎没有高管预期,将很快从强势日元得到喘息之地。
But in practice, countries are reluctant to do so, fearful that an excessively strong currency will hurt their exporters. 但在实践中,各国都不愿意这样做,担心货币过度强势会影响出口。
A strong currency is, however, necessary to keep inflation in check. 然而,强势货币乃是抵制通胀之必须。
First, a strong currency grants an advantage to competitors with a cost base in a cheaper currency. 其一是,强势货币会让汇率相对偏低的竞争对手取得成本上的优势。
Even with a strong currency, household consumption fell in the first quarter. 尽管本币走强,日本第一季度家庭消费有所下降。
My suggestions would be Strong country, strong currency. Or Free country, floating exchange rate. 我的建议是强势国家,强势货币,或者自由国家,浮动汇率。
A strong currency would exacerbate that trend. 强势日元会加剧这一趋势。
Germany cannot be blamed for wanting a strong currency and a balanced budget, but as the strongest and most creditworthy country, it is unwittingly imposing its deflationary policies on the rest of the eurozone. 我们不能因为德国想要一个坚挺的货币与平衡的预算而指责它,但作为最强大与信誉度最高的国家,它正不知不觉地将自己具有通缩效应的政策,强加于欧元区其它国家。
Yet, until recently, sterling was a very strong currency. 但直到最近一段时间,英镑仍是一个非常坚挺的币种。
World Currency: The Inevitable Choice for the RMB to Become a Strong Currency 世界货币:人民币走向强势货币的必然选择
From the view of the law of monetary development, we know a powerful country, a strong currency. 因为从货币发展规律来看,一国的强大离不开货币的强大。
Besides reducing the cost, the system also has many advantages such as strong currency, simple data processing, convenient maintenance, easy function expansion and so on. 该系统在降低成本的同时,还具有通用性强、数据处理简单、维护方便和功能扩充容易等优点。